Gravity Engine 12.0
Unity Asset for Gravity
No Matches
NUtils Member List

This is the complete list of members for NUtils, including all inherited members.

AngleDeltaDegrees(double from, double to)NUtilsstatic
AngleDeltaRadians(double from, double to) (defined in NUtils)NUtilsstatic
AngleFullCircleRadians(Vector3 from, Vector3 to, Vector3 normal) (defined in NUtils)NUtilsstatic
AngleFullCircleRadians(Vector3d from, Vector3d to, Vector3d normal) (defined in NUtils)NUtilsstatic
AngleMod2Pi(double angle)NUtilsstatic
Array1DNaN(double[] a)NUtilsstatic
DegreesMod360(float angle)NUtilsstatic
DegreesMod360(double angle)NUtilsstatic
DegreesPM180(float angle)NUtilsstatic
FloatEqualMod360(float a_, float b_, double error) (defined in NUtils)NUtilsstatic
GaussianValue(float mean, float stdDev) (defined in NUtils)NUtilsstatic
GetEnergy(int numBodies, ref double[] m, ref double[,] r, ref double[,] v)NUtilsstatic
GetEnergy(int numBodies, GravityState.NbodyState[] nb) (defined in NUtils)NUtilsstatic
VectorNaN(Vector3 v)NUtilsstatic