Gravity Engine 12.0
Unity Asset for Gravity
No Matches
KeplerSequence.KeplerElement Class Reference

Public Member Functions

 KeplerElement (KeplerElement copyFrom, GameObject orbitsGO, NBody nbody, bool copyActivateCallbacks, bool copyManeuverCallbacks)

Public Attributes

double timeStart
 time at which the sequence element starts (internal physics time)
OrbitUniversal orbit
bool returnToGE
 flag to indicate if at this time object should go off-rails
bool inactive
 this segment is inactive (has been marked inactive in the scene but NOT in GE. This way Evolve is still called
ReactivateCallback reactivateCallback
 Callbacks to be run when time jumps from inactivated to activated.
InactivateCallback inactivateCallback
ElementStarted callback
 callback when a new sequence is started. Will be called each time transition to sequence occurs.
Maneuver maneuver
 optional field used when element added via a maneuver. Allows maneuver callback on sequence change.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: