Gravity Engine 12.0
Unity Asset for Gravity
No Matches
UnityEngine.Mathd Struct Reference

Static Public Member Functions

static double Sin (double d)
static double Cos (double d)
static double Tan (double d)
static double Asin (double d)
static double Acos (double d)
static double Atan (double d)
static double Atan2 (double y, double x)
static double Sqrt (double d)
static double Abs (double d)
static int Abs (int value)
static double Min (double a, double b)
static double Min (params double[] values)
static int Min (int a, int b)
static int Min (params int[] values)
static double Max (double a, double b)
static double Max (params double[] values)
static int Max (int a, int b)
static int Max (params int[] values)
static double Pow (double d, double p)
static double Exp (double power)
static double Log (double d, double p)
static double Log (double d)
static double Log10 (double d)
static double Ceil (double d)
static double Floor (double d)
static double Round (double d)
static int CeilToInt (double d)
static int FloorToInt (double d)
static int RoundToInt (double d)
static double Sign (double d)
static double Clamp (double value, double min, double max)
static int Clamp (int value, int min, int max)
static double Clamp01 (double value)
static double Lerp (double from, double to, double t)
static double LerpAngle (double a, double b, double t)
static double MoveTowards (double current, double target, double maxDelta)
static double MoveTowardsAngle (double current, double target, double maxDelta)
static double SmoothStep (double from, double to, double t)
static double Gamma (double value, double absmax, double gamma)
static bool Approximately (double a, double b)
static double SmoothDamp (double current, double target, ref double currentVelocity, double smoothTime, double maxSpeed)
static double SmoothDamp (double current, double target, ref double currentVelocity, double smoothTime)
static double SmoothDamp (double current, double target, ref double currentVelocity, double smoothTime, double maxSpeed, double deltaTime)
static double SmoothDampAngle (double current, double target, ref double currentVelocity, double smoothTime, double maxSpeed)
static double SmoothDampAngle (double current, double target, ref double currentVelocity, double smoothTime)
static double SmoothDampAngle (double current, double target, ref double currentVelocity, double smoothTime, double maxSpeed, double deltaTime)
static double Repeat (double t, double length)
static double PingPong (double t, double length)
static double InverseLerp (double from, double to, double value)
static double DeltaAngle (double current, double target)

Static Public Attributes

const double PI = 3.141593d
const double Infinity = double.PositiveInfinity
const double NegativeInfinity = double.NegativeInfinity
const double Deg2Rad = 0.01745329d
const double Rad2Deg = 57.29578d
const double Epsilon = 1.401298E-45d

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