static double | Acosh (double x) |
static double | Angle (double3 from, double3 to) |
static double | AngleDeg (double3 from, double3 to) |
static double | AngleDeltaDegreesCW (double from, double to) |
static double | AngleDeltaRadianCW (double from, double to) |
static double | AngleNegPiToPi (double angle) |
| Convert an angle in radian range 0..2 Pi into -Pi..Pi.
static double | AngleRadiansPrograde (double3 r1, double3 v1, double3 r2) |
static double3 | ApplyMatrix (ref double3x3 m, double3 v) |
static double | Asinh (double x) |
static Vector3 | Axis (AxisV3 axis) |
static double | Cot (double x) |
| Cotangent function.
static void | Double3ExchangeYZ (ref double3 v) |
static void | Double3IntoVector3 (double3 r, ref Vector3 v3) |
| Convert a double3 and fill in values in an existing Vector3 (avoids a new() )
static Vector3 | Double3ToVector3 (double3 r) |
| Create a Vector3 holding the values of a double3.
static bool | Equal (double3 a, double3 b, double tol) |
static bool | EqualRelError (double a, double b, double relError) |
static bool | EqualRelError (double3 a, double3 b, double relError) |
static bool | Equals (double3 a, double3 b, double within) |
static bool | HasNaN (double3 v) |
static bool | HasNaN (Vector3 v) |
static double3 | LatLongToR (double latitudeDeg, double longitudeDeg, double radius) |
| Convert latitude, longitude and radius to a vector.
static double3 | Matrix3x3TimesVector (double3x3 m, double3 v) |
static double | MinAngleDeltaDegrees (double from, double to) |
static double | MinAngleDeltaRadians (double from, double to) |
static double3 | Rot1 (double3 v, double angleRad) |
| Return the rotation of the vector v by angleRad radians around the x axis.
static double3 | Rot1Y (double3 v, double angleRad) |
static double3 | Rot1Z (double3 v, double angleRad) |
static double3 | Rot3 (double3 v, double angleRad) |
| Return the rotation of the vector v by angleRad radians around the z axis.
static double3 | Rot3CW (double3 v, double angleRad) |
| Return rotation of vector by angleRad around Z in a clockwise (CW) direction.
static void | Vector3ExchangeYZ (ref Vector3 v) |
static void | Vector3IntoDouble3 (Vector3 r, ref double3 d3) |
static double3 | Vector3ToDouble3 (Vector3 r) |