Gravity Engine 2 3.0
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GravityEngine2.HohmannGeneral Class Reference

Hohmann transfer or rendezvous between any two circular orbits. Handles diffences in radius, inclination and RAAN (Omega). More...

Public Member Functions

 HohmannGeneral (Orbital.COE fromOrbit, Orbital.COE toOrbit, bool rendezvous)
void CircularInclinationAndAN (Orbital.COE fromOrbit, Orbital.COE toOrbit, bool rendezvous)
List< GEManeuverManeuvers (int centerId=-1)

Static Public Member Functions

static void FindClosestNode (Orbital.COE fromData, Orbital.COE toData, ref double u_initial, ref double u_final, ref double phase_to_node)
 Determine the closest node of the fromOrbit with respect to the to orbit i.e. the point at which the planes of the orbits cross. The result is the phase from the current position in the from orbit to the nearest node.

Detailed Description

Hohmann transfer or rendezvous between any two circular orbits. Handles diffences in radius, inclination and RAAN (Omega).

This routine assumes the to & from orbits have been checked and are cicular within the tolerance desired by the user. e.g. TransferShip does this.

Rendezvous in general requires an intermediate transfer orbit to adjust the phasing of the chasing ship in order that it arrives at the common node with the correct phase relationship for rendezvous. This intermediate orbit is "free" in dV (since the velocity will help it get to the target).

The general case follows Vallado Algorithm 46 (p368) with additional code to handle the case of outer orbit to inner orbit.

Member Function Documentation

◆ FindClosestNode()

static void GravityEngine2.HohmannGeneral.FindClosestNode ( Orbital::COE fromData,
Orbital::COE toData,
ref double u_initial,
ref double u_final,
ref double phase_to_node )

Determine the closest node of the fromOrbit with respect to the to orbit i.e. the point at which the planes of the orbits cross. The result is the phase from the current position in the from orbit to the nearest node.

fromDataOrbit data of fromOrbit, including phase
toDataOrbit data of to orbit (including phase)
u_initialabsolute phase angle of nearest node in fromOrbit (radians)
u_finalabsolute phase angle to nearest node in toOrbit (radians)
phase_to_nodePhase delta from current position in from orbit to node (radians)

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