Code used by GEPhysicsCore to evolve according to an ephemeris table. The data values have been repackaged by GECore and converted into GE units by the time this code acts on them.
static void | EphemDataAlloc (EphemerisData ephemData, ref GEPhysicsCore.GEPhysicsJob gePhysicsJob, GBUnits.GEScaler geScaler, int centerId, int pIndex) |
| Create a PropInfo instance and fill it in.
static void | EphemDataFree (ref GEPhysicsCore.GEPhysicsJob gePhysicsJob, int pIndex) |
| Free the memory in the global flat ephemData array.
static void | Evolve (double t, ref GEPhysicsCore.GEBodies bodies, ref NativeArray< PropInfo > propInfo, ref NativeArray< int > indices, int lenEphemBodies, ref NativeArray< GEBodyState > ephemerisData) |
static void | EvolveRelative (double t, int propId, ref NativeArray< PropInfo > propInfo, ref NativeArray< GEBodyState > ephemerisData, ref GEBodyState state) |
Code used by GEPhysicsCore to evolve according to an ephemeris table. The data values have been repackaged by GECore and converted into GE units by the time this code acts on them.