Gravity Engine 2 3.0
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GravityEngine2.PKeplerPropagator Class Reference

Propagation using the PKEPLER algorithm from Vallado. More...


struct  PropInfo

Static Public Member Functions

static void Evolve (double t_to, ref GEPhysicsCore.GEBodies bodies, ref NativeArray< PropInfo > propInfo, in NativeArray< GEPhysicsCore.PatchInfo > patchInfo, in NativeArray< int > indices, double scaleLtoKm, double scaleKmsecToV, double scaleTtoSec)
static double3 double3 Orbital.COEStruct coe PKeplerProp (ref NativeArray< PropInfo > propInfo, int index, double dtsec, double ndot=0.0, double nddot=0.0)

Static Public Attributes

static double LIMIT = 1e-6
static double3 r_km
static double3 double3 v_kmsec

Detailed Description

Propagation using the PKEPLER algorithm from Vallado.

This models the effect of the Earth's non-spherical shape and (optionally) uses a simple atmospheric friction model.

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