Code to propagate SGP4 satellites i.e. satellites in Earth orbit with modeling for atmosphere, oblate gravity, moon, sun etc.
static bool | Evolve (double tSec, ref NativeArray< PropInfo > propInfo, int i, ref GEBodyState state, double scaleLtoKm, double scaleKmsecToV, double startTimeJD) |
static bool | EvolveAll (double tSec, ref GEPhysicsCore.GEBodies bodies, ref NativeArray< PropInfo > propInfo, in NativeArray< GEPhysicsCore.PatchInfo > patchInfo, in NativeArray< int > indices, int lenIndices, double scaleLtoKm, double scaleKmsecToV, double startTimeJD) |
| GE entry point, to evolve a set of SGP4 bodies as defined by the indices index list.
static void | ManeuverPropagator (int bodyIndex, double tSec, double timeJD, ref GEPhysicsCore.GEBodies bodies, ref NativeArray< PropInfo > sgp4Props, double scaleLtoKm, double scaleKmSecToV) |
| Change the state of an SGP4 propagator from a maneuver. Current r, v have been updated, so re-calculate the SGP4 state. Blend the result back to the current SGP4 state over a short period, typically 2% of the orbit period.
static int double3 double3 Orbital.COEStruct coe | RVforTime (ref SGP4SatData satData, double timeJD, double scaleLToKm, double scaleKmsecToV) |
Code to propagate SGP4 satellites i.e. satellites in Earth orbit with modeling for atmosphere, oblate gravity, moon, sun etc.
This code assumes the Earth is at the center of physics space.
Not hard to C&P the center body code from Kepler but seems like an uncommon use-case, so wait until someone asks....