Gravity Engine 12.0
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OrbitUniversal Class Reference

A generic double precision orbit class. Can be used in place of OrbitEllipse and OrbitHyper. More...

Inheritance diagram for OrbitUniversal:
INbodyInit IFixedOrbit IOrbitPositions IOrbitScalable BinaryOrbit

Public Types

 Mode for evolution; NBody simulation in GE or "on-rails" using Kepler equation.
enum  InputMode {

Public Member Functions

virtual void InitNBody (float physicalScale, float massScale)
 Inits the N body. Called prior to evolution starting. Allows NBody object to adjust its position and velocity prior to evolution beginning.
void InitFromActiveNBody (NBody activeNbody, NBody center, EvolveMode mode)
 Use an active NBody that is live in GE to initialize an orbit.
void InitFromJplEphemeris (string data)
void InitCOEFromTLEData ()
 Init the classical orbital element (COE) from Celestrak two-line element (TLE) information.
string TLEStartEpoch ()
void Init ()
void Reset ()
 Reset the OrbitPredictor init mode.
void SetMajorAxisInspector (double a)
 For ellipses can specify size using major-axis. Typically used by editor script, but may have other uses.
double GetMajorAxisInspector ()
 Get the major axis for the orbit using the inspector value (world units).
double GetMajorAxis ()
 Get the Major Axis is internal physical units. If the orbit is an ellipse the major axis is valid. If the orbit is a hyperbola, then the value of p will be negative and there is no major axis value.
double GetApogeeInspector ()
 Get the apogee (point of greatest distance from focus) for the orbit in Scaled units (e.g. ORBITAL). This is typically used in the inspector prior to the game starting.
double GetApogee ()
 Determine the orbit apogee (apoapsis) is internal physics units.
double GetSemiParam ()
double GetEnergy ()
 Compute a real-time value for the orbital energy based on (r,v)
double GetPerigeeInspector ()
 Get the perigee (point of closest approach to the focus) for the orbit in Scaled units (e.g. ORBITAL). This is typically used in the inspector prior to the game starting.
double GetPerigee ()
 Determine the orbit preigee (periapsis) is internal physics units.
void SetSizeWithApogeePerigee (double apogee, double perigee)
 Set the size and eccentricity of the ellipse by using values for apogee and perigee. (To be precise really should call them apoapsis and periapsis, but more people will know apogee/perigee).
void SetSizeWithEccPerigee (double ecc, double perigee)
void SetOrbitPredictor (bool flag)
delegate void SGP4ErrorCallback (OrbitUniversal ou, int error)
 In SGP4 propagation the satellite can decay to the point where it should not be propagated. Users may wish to trigger a callback on this event. This allows for a callback to be registered.
void AddSGP4ErrorCallback (SGP4ErrorCallback errorCallback)
 Callback for when an SGP4 satellite decays.
double GetMu ()
void SetMu (double mu)
 Set the mass of the orbit system. This is intended for use when OrbitU is not attached to an NBody e.g. in the case of a DustOrbit.
void InitMu ()
 Init the value of mu from the nbody elements. Typically used by OrbitPredictor.
NBody GetNBody ()
Vector3d GetAxis ()
 Get the normal vector to the orbital plane (normalized).
void InitFromOrbitData (OrbitData od, double time)
 Initialize the Orbit from orbital elements contained in an OrbitData object.
void CopyFromOrbitUniversal (OrbitUniversal fromOrbit)
 Init from another OrbitUniversal.
void InitFromRVT (Vector3d r, Vector3d v, double time, NBody center, bool relativePos, bool updateState=false)
 Initialize the orbit using position, velocity and time.
void SetDejitterCOE (bool value)
void ReInitForOrbitPredictor (Vector3d r, Vector3d v, double time)
 OrbitPredictor does not need to do a full re-init, just use RV to set new COE.
OrbitUtils.OrbitElements.TypeOrbit PredictedOrbitType ()
 When this OrbitU is being used as an orbit predictor report the last type that was determined by the RVtoCOE.
void InitFromSolarBody (SolarBody sbody)
 Inits from solar body. This will always be an ellipse.
OrbitUtils.OrbitElements GetPKeplerCOE ()
virtual void ApplyScale (float scale)
 Interface to apply the scale to the distance parameter of an orbit.
virtual void ApplyXZChange ()
virtual bool IsOnRails ()
 Check if body is configured at scene start to be fixed. (Allows objects to be optionally configured as not fixed, to allow e.g. Kepler eqn vs initial velocity in OrbitEllipse)
virtual void PreEvolve (float physicalScale, float massScale)
 Called for each NBody object prior to evolution beginning. Allows a chance to setup internal state.
virtual void Evolve (double physicsTime, GravityState gravityState, ref double[] r_new, ref double[] v_new, bool isQuery=false)
 Evolve the NBody. Implementating method uses physics time and scale to compute the new position, placing it in r. Velocity is also updated so that GetVelocity() can request it if it is of interest.
virtual void EvolveSGP4 (double physicsTime, GravityState gravityState, double[] r_new, double[] v_new, bool isQuery=false)
 Evolve using the Simplified General Pertubation propagator model V4.
void SetSGP4BlendTime (double time)
void LockAtTime (double lockTime)
 Use in On-Rails mode to lock an object at a specific time. Any evolve calls will not re-compute the position/velocity but instead leave them unchanged.
void UnlockTime ()
Vector3d GetLockedPosVel ()
double GetPeriod ()
double GetAngularVelocity ()
double GetStartTime ()
void GetRVT (ref Vector3d r0, ref Vector3d v0, ref double time0)
 Get the intial conditions for the orbit. R0 and V0 are always relative to the center body. If the center is not at (0,0,0) and/or moving, need to adjust values outside.
bool RVT_Equal (ref Vector3d r0, ref Vector3d v0, ref double time0, double tol)
 Utility function (used by e.g. OrbitPredictor) to see if the orbit initial conditions have changed. Used to determine when an OP needs to recompute the orbit in KEPLER mode.
void GetRVTAbsolute (ref Vector3d r0, ref Vector3d v0, ref double time0)
void GEUpdate (GravityEngine ge)
 Perform and update of the world game object position and velocity based on the internal state.
void Move (Vector3 position)
 Move in response to a GE.MoveAll() call. (Not called from outside GE).
void SetNBody (NBody nbody)
 Set the NBody that the orbit element will evolve. This is not commonly used, since the NBody is typically attached to the same game object as the FixedOrbit. The exception is when fixed orbit segments are part of a KeplerSequence (patched-conic evolution).
Vector3[] OrbitPositions (int numPoints, Vector3 centerPos, bool doSceneMapping)
Vector3[] OrbitPositions (int numPoints, Vector3 centerPos, bool doSceneMapping, float hyperRadius)
Vector3 PositionForPhase (float phaseDeg)
 Get the position for the specified phase in physics co-ordinates.
Vector3 VelocityForPhaseRelative (float phaseDeg)
Vector3 VelocityForPosition (Vector3 position)
 Given a position on the orbit (or a position that is used to establish a phase wrt the center) determine the velocity vector at that point on the orbit.
bool CanApplyImpulse ()
NBody GetCenterNBody ()
 Return the center NBody for the fixed orbit.
void UpdatePositionAndVelocity (Vector3 pos, Vector3 vel)
 Set a new start position for orbit evolution with respect to the current center object.
void SetNewCenter (NBody newCenter)
 Set a new center object. Used when doing Kepler ("on-rails") evolution and the object enters the sphere of influence of a new body. The inital conditions (r0,v0, t0) are updated to be with respect to the new center object allowing Kepler evolution wrt the new center.
void ChangeEvolveMode (EvolveMode newMode)
 Change the evolve mode between KEPLER and GRAVITY_ENGINE. i.e. go from off-rails to on-rails.
Vector3 ApplyImpulse (Vector3 impulse)
 Apply an impulse to change the on-rails evolution (Kepler or SGP4). OrbitUniversal supports seamless changes from ellipse to parabola to hyperbola. This updates the initial conditions and start time (r0, v0, time0)
double TimeOfFlight (Vector3d r0, Vector3d r1)
 Determine the time of flight in physics time units (GE internal time) that it takes for the body in orbit to go from relative position r0 to position r1.
double TimeOfFlightEllipse (Vector3d r0, Vector3d r1)
 Find the time of flight from position r0 to r1 when the orbit is elliptical.
bool IsCircular ()
Quaternion GetConicOrientation ()
Vector3[] HyperSegmentSymmetric (int numPoints, Vector3 centerPos, float radiusOrZero, bool doSceneMapping)
 Calculate points suitable for a line renderer that show a segment of the hyperbola for a specified radius with respect to the center.
Vector3[] EllipseSegment (int numPoints, Vector3 centerPos, Vector3 pos, Vector3 destPoint, bool shortPath)
 Generate the points for an ellipse segment given the start and end positions. If shortPath then the short path between the points will be shown, otherwise the long way around.
Vector3[] EllipseSegmentProRetro (int numPoints, Vector3 centerPos, Vector3 pos, Vector3 destPoint, bool retrograde)
 Generate the points for an ellipse segment given the start and end positions.
virtual string DumpInfo ()
 Create a string with info for display in GEConsole.
Vector3 GetPositionForThetaRadians (float thetaRadians, Vector3 centerPos)
 Determine orbit position in physics space (with rotation and center offset) for the specified angle in the orbit (in radians)
Vector3d GetPositionDForThetaRadians (double thetaRadians, bool relative)
 Determine orbit position in physics space (with rotation and center offset) for the specified angle in the orbit (in radians)
Vector3d GetVelocityDForThetaRadians (double theta, bool relative)
Vector3[] GetPositionsForRadius (double radius, Vector3 centerPos)
 Get the positions where the orbit is at a specified radius. In general there are two. The result is positions in world space. These can then be used in e.g. TimeOfFlight.
float GetPhaseDegForRadius (double radius)
 Get the phase for the specified radius/altitude.
OrbitUtils.OrbitElements GetCurrentOrbitalElements ()
 Get the current orbital elements using the live position and velocity from GE.
double GetCurrentPhase ()
 Get the current phase (degrees) of the body based on the position and velocity retreived from GE.
Vector3[] GetPositionsForRadius (double radius)
 Get the positions where the orbit is at a specified radius. In general there are two. The result is positions in world space. These can then be used in e.g. TimeOfFlight.
void SetPositionDouble (Vector3d pos)
void InitNBody (float physicalScale, float massScale)
 Inits the N body. Called prior to evolution starting. Allows NBody object to adjust its position and velocity prior to evolution beginning.
bool IsOnRails ()
 Check if body is configured at scene start to be fixed. (Allows objects to be optionally configured as not fixed, to allow e.g. Kepler eqn vs initial velocity in OrbitEllipse)
void PreEvolve (float physicalScale, float massScale)
 Called for each NBody object prior to evolution beginning. Allows a chance to setup internal state.
void Evolve (double physicsTime, GravityState gravityState, ref double[] r, ref double[] v, bool isQuery=false)
 Evolve the NBody. Implementating method uses physics time and scale to compute the new position, placing it in r. Velocity is also updated so that GetVelocity() can request it if it is of interest.
void GEUpdate (GravityEngine ge)
 Perform and update of the world game object position and velocity based on the internal state.
void Move (Vector3 position)
 Handle dynamic origin shift.
void SetNBody (NBody nbody)
 Set the NBody that the orbit element will evolve. This is not commonly used, since the NBody is typically attached to the same game object as the FixedOrbit. The exception is when fixed orbit segments are part of a KeplerSequence (patched-conic evolution).
Vector3 ApplyImpulse (Vector3 impulse)
 ApplyImpulse in Kepler mode. (Currently only OrbitUniversal does this)
NBody GetCenterNBody ()
 Return the center NBody for the fixed orbit.
void UpdatePositionAndVelocity (Vector3 pos, Vector3 vel)
 Update the position and velocity of the object in the orbit.
string DumpInfo ()
 Create a string with info for display in GEConsole.
Vector3[] OrbitPositions (int numPoints, Vector3 centerPos, bool doSceneMapping)
void ApplyScale (float scale)
 Interface to apply the scale to the distance parameter of an orbit.
void ApplyXZChange ()

Public Attributes

EvolveMode evolveMode
double p = 10.0
double p_inspector = 10.0
 Value of semi-parameter p from inspector (i.e. in GE selected units such as ORBITAL or SOLAR)
double eccentricity
double inclination
 inclinataion in degrees (0..180)
double omega_uc
 Omega in degress (0..360)
double omega_lc
 omega in degress (0..360)
double phase = 0
 Phase in orbit in degrees.
double sgp4_no
double sgp4_bstar
double pkepler_ndot = 0
double pkepler_nddot = 0
NBody centerNbody
 Object influencing this bodies motion.
InputMode inputMode = InputMode.DOUBLE
string jplEphemeris = ""
string tleName = ""
string tleLine1 =""
string tleLine2 =""
bool dejitterCOE = false

Protected Member Functions

void CalculateRotation ()

Protected Attributes

Quaternion conic_orientation
GravityEngine ge

Detailed Description

A generic double precision orbit class. Can be used in place of OrbitEllipse and OrbitHyper.

Maintains all orbital elements in double precision in internal GE units.

Supports two evolve modes: GRAVITY_ENGINE: Set initial velocity and poistion based on orbital elements and then let GE integrators move the body as time evolves.

KEPLER: Use Kepler's equation (position, velocity as a function of time) to determine when the body is each GE update. GE will still use the mass of this body to influence other bodies in the scene.

Arbitrary nesting of these modes is expected. (i.e. Kepler motion of a moon, around a GE planet in orbit around a Sun etc.)

Since the semi-major axis (a) can change sign as eccentricy changes, specify the scale of the orbit with p (semi-latus rectum).

Member Function Documentation

◆ AddSGP4ErrorCallback()

void OrbitUniversal.AddSGP4ErrorCallback ( SGP4ErrorCallback  errorCallback)

Callback for when an SGP4 satellite decays.

Warning: This is called from within the GE physics loop. Do not direcly call RemoveBody() while inside this code!


◆ ApplyImpulse()

Vector3 OrbitUniversal.ApplyImpulse ( Vector3  impulse)

Apply an impulse to change the on-rails evolution (Kepler or SGP4). OrbitUniversal supports seamless changes from ellipse to parabola to hyperbola. This updates the initial conditions and start time (r0, v0, time0)

This method is usually called from GravityEngine ApplyImpulse(). Not commonly called from game code.

impulseAdjusted Impulse

Implements IFixedOrbit.

◆ ApplyScale()

virtual void OrbitUniversal.ApplyScale ( float  scale)

Interface to apply the scale to the distance parameter of an orbit.


Implements IOrbitScalable.

Reimplemented in BinaryOrbit.

◆ ApplyXZChange()

virtual void OrbitUniversal.ApplyXZChange ( )

Implements IOrbitScalable.

◆ ChangeEvolveMode()

void OrbitUniversal.ChangeEvolveMode ( EvolveMode  newMode)

Change the evolve mode between KEPLER and GRAVITY_ENGINE. i.e. go from off-rails to on-rails.


◆ CopyFromOrbitUniversal()

void OrbitUniversal.CopyFromOrbitUniversal ( OrbitUniversal  fromOrbit)

Init from another OrbitUniversal.


◆ DumpInfo()

virtual string OrbitUniversal.DumpInfo ( )

Create a string with info for display in GEConsole.


Implements IFixedOrbit.

Reimplemented in BinaryOrbit.

◆ EllipseSegment()

Vector3[] OrbitUniversal.EllipseSegment ( int  numPoints,
Vector3  centerPos,
Vector3  pos,
Vector3  destPoint,
bool  shortPath 

Generate the points for an ellipse segment given the start and end positions. If shortPath then the short path between the points will be shown, otherwise the long way around.

The points are used to determine an angle from the main axis of the ellipse and although they should be on the ellipse for best results, the code will do it's best if they are not.


◆ EllipseSegmentProRetro()

Vector3[] OrbitUniversal.EllipseSegmentProRetro ( int  numPoints,
Vector3  centerPos,
Vector3  pos,
Vector3  destPoint,
bool  retrograde 

Generate the points for an ellipse segment given the start and end positions.

The points are used to determine an angle from the main axis of the ellipse and although they should be on the ellipse for best results, the code will do it's best if they are not.


◆ Evolve()

virtual void OrbitUniversal.Evolve ( double  physicsTime,
GravityState  gravityState,
ref double[]  r,
ref double[]  v,
bool  isQuery = false 

Evolve the NBody. Implementating method uses physics time and scale to compute the new position, placing it in r. Velocity is also updated so that GetVelocity() can request it if it is of interest.

physicsTimeCurrent Physics time.
physicalScalePhysical scale.
rPosition in physics space (x, y, z). OUTPUT by the method
vVelocity in physics space (x, y, z). OUTPUT by the method
isQueryRequest is a query and should not change state or do callbacks

The SGP4 algorithm will not accurately reproduce the position and velocity for the COE elements in the TLE at time 0. This is due to the fact that some of the COE secular pertubations modifiy the COE values even when time has not evolved.

When GE wants to reset an SGP4 evolution e.g. after an impulse/maneuver it is important that the satellite does not suddenly jump to a new position or velocity. There is no way to preadjust the COE values so that with secular variations at t=0 the algorithm gives the required r. The solution is to start position/velocity calculations at t=0 using the TLE COE values and then to "Lerp" over to the secular values. The timescale for this lerping is a matter of choice. It can be fixed as an absolute time or can be expressed as a factor of the orbital period of the satellite. This "Lerp setting" is selected globally in the GE advanced foldout.

Implements IFixedOrbit.

Reimplemented in BinaryOrbit.

◆ EvolveSGP4()

virtual void OrbitUniversal.EvolveSGP4 ( double  physicsTime,
GravityState  gravityState,
double[]  r_new,
double[]  v_new,
bool  isQuery = false 

Evolve using the Simplified General Pertubation propagator model V4.



◆ GetApogee()

double OrbitUniversal.GetApogee ( )

Determine the orbit apogee (apoapsis) is internal physics units.

Typically used for an ellipse. For a hyperbola will be a negative number.

apogee value in internal physics units

◆ GetApogeeInspector()

double OrbitUniversal.GetApogeeInspector ( )

Get the apogee (point of greatest distance from focus) for the orbit in Scaled units (e.g. ORBITAL). This is typically used in the inspector prior to the game starting.

Typically used for an ellipse. For a hyperbola will be a negative number.


◆ GetAxis()

Vector3d OrbitUniversal.GetAxis ( )

Get the normal vector to the orbital plane (normalized).


◆ GetCenterNBody()

NBody OrbitUniversal.GetCenterNBody ( )

Return the center NBody for the fixed orbit.


Implements IFixedOrbit.

◆ GetCurrentOrbitalElements()

OrbitUtils.OrbitElements OrbitUniversal.GetCurrentOrbitalElements ( )

Get the current orbital elements using the live position and velocity from GE.


◆ GetCurrentPhase()

double OrbitUniversal.GetCurrentPhase ( )

Get the current phase (degrees) of the body based on the position and velocity retreived from GE.


◆ GetEnergy()

double OrbitUniversal.GetEnergy ( )

Compute a real-time value for the orbital energy based on (r,v)


◆ GetMajorAxis()

double OrbitUniversal.GetMajorAxis ( )

Get the Major Axis is internal physical units. If the orbit is an ellipse the major axis is valid. If the orbit is a hyperbola, then the value of p will be negative and there is no major axis value.


◆ GetMajorAxisInspector()

double OrbitUniversal.GetMajorAxisInspector ( )

Get the major axis for the orbit using the inspector value (world units).

  • for a hyperbola this is negative
  • for a parabola this is NaN

◆ GetPerigee()

double OrbitUniversal.GetPerigee ( )

Determine the orbit preigee (periapsis) is internal physics units.

perigee value in internal physics units

◆ GetPerigeeInspector()

double OrbitUniversal.GetPerigeeInspector ( )

Get the perigee (point of closest approach to the focus) for the orbit in Scaled units (e.g. ORBITAL). This is typically used in the inspector prior to the game starting.

Valid for all orbit types.


◆ GetPhaseDegForRadius()

float OrbitUniversal.GetPhaseDegForRadius ( double  radius)

Get the phase for the specified radius/altitude.

In the case of an ellipse if the altitute larger/smaller than those allowed just return the max. An ellipse will have two values that match the altitude. To get the alternative one use (360 - phase).

A circular orbit will return a phase of zero for any altitude.


◆ GetPositionDForThetaRadians()

Vector3d OrbitUniversal.GetPositionDForThetaRadians ( double  thetaRadians,
bool  relative 

Determine orbit position in physics space (with rotation and center offset) for the specified angle in the orbit (in radians)

Common code works for ellipse and hyperbola, but not a parabola. Nudge a parabola into hyperbola


◆ GetPositionForThetaRadians()

Vector3 OrbitUniversal.GetPositionForThetaRadians ( float  thetaRadians,
Vector3  centerPos 

Determine orbit position in physics space (with rotation and center offset) for the specified angle in the orbit (in radians)

Common code works for ellipse and hyperbola, but not a parabola. Nudge a parabola into hyperbola


◆ GetPositionsForRadius() [1/2]

Vector3[] OrbitUniversal.GetPositionsForRadius ( double  radius)

Get the positions where the orbit is at a specified radius. In general there are two. The result is positions in world space. These can then be used in e.g. TimeOfFlight.

Use the general equation for hyperbola and ellipse and nudge a parabola into a hyperbola.


◆ GetPositionsForRadius() [2/2]

Vector3[] OrbitUniversal.GetPositionsForRadius ( double  radius,
Vector3  centerPos 

Get the positions where the orbit is at a specified radius. In general there are two. The result is positions in world space. These can then be used in e.g. TimeOfFlight.

Use the general equation for hyperbola and ellipse and nudge a parabola into a hyperbola.


◆ GetRVT()

void OrbitUniversal.GetRVT ( ref Vector3d  r0,
ref Vector3d  v0,
ref double  time0 

Get the intial conditions for the orbit. R0 and V0 are always relative to the center body. If the center is not at (0,0,0) and/or moving, need to adjust values outside.

These value are always available (even if orbitU was not inited with InitRVT).


◆ GEUpdate()

void OrbitUniversal.GEUpdate ( GravityEngine  ge)

Perform and update of the world game object position and velocity based on the internal state.

Implements IFixedOrbit.

◆ HyperSegmentSymmetric()

Vector3[] OrbitUniversal.HyperSegmentSymmetric ( int  numPoints,
Vector3  centerPos,
float  radiusOrZero,
bool  doSceneMapping 

Calculate points suitable for a line renderer that show a segment of the hyperbola for a specified radius with respect to the center.


◆ InitCOEFromTLEData()

void OrbitUniversal.InitCOEFromTLEData ( )

Init the classical orbital element (COE) from Celestrak two-line element (TLE) information.

The TLE info describes the orbital parameters and position at a time reference embedded in the TLE.

It is necessary to advance the position and orbital elements to the start time (as a Julian day from GE). This is done using the SGP4 propagator.

The time since GE started is then evolved using a standard GE orbit propagator.

◆ InitFromActiveNBody()

void OrbitUniversal.InitFromActiveNBody ( NBody  activeNbody,
NBody  center,
EvolveMode  mode 

Use an active NBody that is live in GE to initialize an orbit.

Can be used in Kepler mode to determine the future position of the object by subsequently calling Evolve(). Used by LambertPhasing to propogate the target for the time required for the transfer.

◆ InitFromOrbitData()

void OrbitUniversal.InitFromOrbitData ( OrbitData  od,
double  time 

Initialize the Orbit from orbital elements contained in an OrbitData object.


◆ InitFromRVT()

void OrbitUniversal.InitFromRVT ( Vector3d  r,
Vector3d  v,
double  time,
NBody  center,
bool  relativePos,
bool  updateState = false 

Initialize the orbit using position, velocity and time.

Position and velocity are relative to the center object. (This is because when eg. adding a segement arount a moon in free return calculations cannot assume we mean the current position of the center).

rrelative position wrt center
vrelative velocity wrt center

◆ InitFromSolarBody()

void OrbitUniversal.InitFromSolarBody ( SolarBody  sbody)

Inits from solar body. This will always be an ellipse.


◆ InitNBody()

virtual void OrbitUniversal.InitNBody ( float  physicalScale,
float  massScale 

Inits the N body. Called prior to evolution starting. Allows NBody object to adjust its position and velocity prior to evolution beginning.

physicalScalePhysical scale.

Implements INbodyInit.

Reimplemented in BinaryOrbit.

◆ IsOnRails()

virtual bool OrbitUniversal.IsOnRails ( )

Check if body is configured at scene start to be fixed. (Allows objects to be optionally configured as not fixed, to allow e.g. Kepler eqn vs initial velocity in OrbitEllipse)

true if this instance is fixed; otherwise, false.

Implements IFixedOrbit.

Reimplemented in BinaryOrbit.

◆ LockAtTime()

void OrbitUniversal.LockAtTime ( double  lockTime)

Use in On-Rails mode to lock an object at a specific time. Any evolve calls will not re-compute the position/velocity but instead leave them unchanged.

This will be applied to the orbit for the world state. If trajectory prediction is being used this will result in the locked times being returned for the trajectory - this will be wrong.

Do not use when trajectory prediction is enabled.


◆ Move()

void OrbitUniversal.Move ( Vector3  position)

Move in response to a GE.MoveAll() call. (Not called from outside GE).

Since the next time Evolve() is called it will get a new center, no need to change the position here.


Implements IFixedOrbit.

◆ OrbitPositions()

Vector3[] OrbitUniversal.OrbitPositions ( int  numPoints,
Vector3  centerPos,
bool  doSceneMapping 

Implements IOrbitPositions.

◆ PositionForPhase()

Vector3 OrbitUniversal.PositionForPhase ( float  phaseDeg)

Get the position for the specified phase in physics co-ordinates.

(If map to scene is being used it up to the caller to do the conversion using ge.MapToScene() )


◆ PredictedOrbitType()

OrbitUtils.OrbitElements.TypeOrbit OrbitUniversal.PredictedOrbitType ( )

When this OrbitU is being used as an orbit predictor report the last type that was determined by the RVtoCOE.


◆ PreEvolve()

virtual void OrbitUniversal.PreEvolve ( float  physicalScale,
float  massScale 

Called for each NBody object prior to evolution beginning. Allows a chance to setup internal state.

physicalScalePhysical scale.
massScaleMass scale.

Implements IFixedOrbit.

Reimplemented in BinaryOrbit.

◆ ReInitForOrbitPredictor()

void OrbitUniversal.ReInitForOrbitPredictor ( Vector3d  r,
Vector3d  v,
double  time 

OrbitPredictor does not need to do a full re-init, just use RV to set new COE.


◆ Reset()

void OrbitUniversal.Reset ( )

Reset the OrbitPredictor init mode.

Current use case is test code that re-uses OUs. Some maneuvers may have set this.

◆ RVT_Equal()

bool OrbitUniversal.RVT_Equal ( ref Vector3d  r0,
ref Vector3d  v0,
ref double  time0,
double  tol 

Utility function (used by e.g. OrbitPredictor) to see if the orbit initial conditions have changed. Used to determine when an OP needs to recompute the orbit in KEPLER mode.


◆ SetMajorAxisInspector()

void OrbitUniversal.SetMajorAxisInspector ( double  a)

For ellipses can specify size using major-axis. Typically used by editor script, but may have other uses.


◆ SetMu()

void OrbitUniversal.SetMu ( double  mu)

Set the mass of the orbit system. This is intended for use when OrbitU is not attached to an NBody e.g. in the case of a DustOrbit.

Normally mu is determined correctly by an Init() call without recorse to this function.


◆ SetNBody()

void OrbitUniversal.SetNBody ( NBody  nbody)

Set the NBody that the orbit element will evolve. This is not commonly used, since the NBody is typically attached to the same game object as the FixedOrbit. The exception is when fixed orbit segments are part of a KeplerSequence (patched-conic evolution).


Implements IFixedOrbit.

◆ SetNewCenter()

void OrbitUniversal.SetNewCenter ( NBody  newCenter)

Set a new center object. Used when doing Kepler ("on-rails") evolution and the object enters the sphere of influence of a new body. The inital conditions (r0,v0, t0) are updated to be with respect to the new center object allowing Kepler evolution wrt the new center.


◆ SetSizeWithApogeePerigee()

void OrbitUniversal.SetSizeWithApogeePerigee ( double  apogee,
double  perigee 

Set the size and eccentricity of the ellipse by using values for apogee and perigee. (To be precise really should call them apoapsis and periapsis, but more people will know apogee/perigee).

Typically only used for ellipses (but can work for hyperbolas) by the Editor script for this component.

Values provided are in GE scaled units (e.g. ORBITAL)


◆ SGP4ErrorCallback()

delegate void OrbitUniversal.SGP4ErrorCallback ( OrbitUniversal  ou,
int  error 

In SGP4 propagation the satellite can decay to the point where it should not be propagated. Users may wish to trigger a callback on this event. This allows for a callback to be registered.


◆ TimeOfFlight()

double OrbitUniversal.TimeOfFlight ( Vector3d  r0,
Vector3d  r1 

Determine the time of flight in physics time units (GE internal time) that it takes for the body in orbit to go from relative position r0 to position r1.

r0from relative position (assumes center is (0,0,0)
r1to relative position
time to travel from r0 to r1 in GE time

◆ TimeOfFlightEllipse()

double OrbitUniversal.TimeOfFlightEllipse ( Vector3d  r0,
Vector3d  r1 

Find the time of flight from position r0 to r1 when the orbit is elliptical.

Will issue a warning and return 0 when the orbit in not elliptical.


◆ UpdatePositionAndVelocity()

void OrbitUniversal.UpdatePositionAndVelocity ( Vector3  pos,
Vector3  vel 

Set a new start position for orbit evolution with respect to the current center object.


Implements IFixedOrbit.

◆ VelocityForPhaseRelative()

Vector3 OrbitUniversal.VelocityForPhaseRelative ( float  phaseDeg)

Uses Vallado, Algorithm 10 for (x,y) plane and then rotates into place

◆ VelocityForPosition()

Vector3 OrbitUniversal.VelocityForPosition ( Vector3  position)

Given a position on the orbit (or a position that is used to establish a phase wrt the center) determine the velocity vector at that point on the orbit.


Member Data Documentation

◆ p

double OrbitUniversal.p = 10.0

semi-parameter that defines orbit size in GE internal units. For a universal orbit p is needed. See SetMajorAxis() if a is needed.

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