Gravity Engine 2

Gravity Engine 2 is now available.

Gravity Engine 2 is a completely new, reconceived Unity package for modelling gravitational interactions and orbital mechanics. While it “stands on the shoulders” of the long standing and well regarded Gravity Engine Unity asset I created, it is a completely new formulation and a new architecture that retains the core astrodynamics code.

A short list of the highlights:

  • significantly simplified experience setting up gravitational systems with fewer components
  • ability to use multiple evolution engines (no singletons!) in a scene
  • optional use of the Unity job system to offload physics calculations
  • clear separation between gravitational computation and the display of objects, optional multiple views (e.g. 3D + map)
  • simple, focused API
  • clear separation of world, physics and display scales
  • support for manual maneuvers, Hohmann and Lambert transfers
  • propagators for KEPLER, SGP4, ephemeris and PKEPLER motion
  • support for patched conic evolution
  • ability to build some/all of the solar system (planets, moons and small objects) in a sensible hierarchical model using JPL web API

The original Gravity Engine was first released in 2015. Nine years later, I know a LOT more about what features get used and what implementation decisions have caused friction in the development of space games. Gravity Engine 2 has been carefully crafted to reduce those points of friction while adding important new capabilities. It provides a solid base for further feature development.

The first release of GE2 is fully capable. Over the next months, more mini-games and demonstrations will be added to match those in the original GE (e.g. porkchop plots, atmosphere model). In addition I am keen to add a three-body integrator to allow modelling of Artemis/Gateway-style orbits (NRHO trajectories).

GE2 is available at a discount on first release.

The online documentation and video tutorials are all in place, so take a look!

What about Gravity Engine?

Gravity Engine will live on and I will continue to support it. I realize creating a game takes a long time and jumping to a new gravity engine may not be high on the list of things to do! I will continue to fix bugs and provide support. (As an example of my commitment to packages I have created, I am still supporting GRTensor, a research tool I created in 1995!).

If you bought Gravity Engine in 2024 and want to move to GE2, send your purchase code to and I’ll send you a coupon for a free copy of GE2.

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