Frequently Asked Question

How do I get the position and/or velocity of a ship/body?

The current state of a body in a GECore is retreived by GECore.StateById() with signature:

ge.StateById(bodyId, ref shipState);

Here shipState is an instance of a struct that holds the position, velocity and current time (all in world units). bodyId is the id assigned to the body when added to the GECore. If the body is a GSBody added by a GSController this can be retrived using GSBody.Id().

If only the position is required use:

    public double3 RWorldById(int id)

    public struct GEBodyState {
        public double3 r;
        public double3 v;
        public double t;

Note that StateById has some additional arguments to allow retreival of internal GE units and to manage co-rotating frames, but these are not commonly used.

The state retrieved by StateById is a global state. If a ship is orbiting a moon that is moving this velocity will be included in the state that is returned. It is often useful to get a state of a body relative to the body it is orbiting. In this case the API to use is:

    public bool RelativeState(int bodyId, int centerId, ref GEBodyState bodyState, bool geUnits = false)

in which the state relative the body indicated by centerId is returned.

How do I change the position and/or velocity of a ship body.

The state of a body can be set by creating a GEBodyState (see above) and then using GECore.StateSetById.

How do I get the orbital elements of a body?

The classical orbital elements of a body with respect to a the body it is orbiting can be retreived by GECore.COE()

        /// <summary>
        /// Get the classical orbital elements (COE) for the indicated body with respect to the center body.
        /// The most common way to do this is to take the R, V state of the body and use an algorithm (RVtoCOE)
        /// to determine the COE elements. This algorithm imposes a choice of when an orbit is to be considered
        /// flat or circular.
        /// A flat orbit (i=0) has it's OmegaU/RAAN set to 0.
        /// A circular orbit has it's argp set to zero (this is the reference point for the phase, nu).
        /// Of course the zero detect is not exactly zero, so there will be some threshold (usually E-6) where e.g.
        /// an orbit can transition from flat to non-flat. When this happens the argp and phase may have a discontinuity
        /// (athough their sum will remain constant). 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bodyId"></param>
        /// <param name="centerId"></param>
        /// <param name="usePropCOE">If propagator has internal COE, use that instead of recomputing from R, V</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Orbital.COE COE(int bodyId, int centerId, bool usePropCOE = true)

This returns a class Orbital.COE. See [Orbits]{orbits}.