Gravity Engine 2 3.0
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Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 CGravityEngine2.BodyInitDataContainer class to hold common info for init of an orbital body
 CGravityEngine2.BoosterBooster External Acceleration
 CGravityEngine2.Orbital.COEClassical orbit elements
 CGravityEngine2.SolarSystemBuilder.COERequestContainer class to store the relevant info to make a Horizons Web API request
 CGravityEngine2.Orbital.COEStructLight weight struct to hold COE core data for the job system and propagators
 CGravityEngine2.CR3BPCircular Restricted Three Body Problem
 CGravityEngine2.ExternalAccel.EADescStruct to hold arbitrary parameters for an external acceleration computation and body
 CGravityEngine2.EarthAtmosphereComputes the acceleration due to drag in the Earth's atmosphere for a given height and velocity
 CGravityEngine2.ExternalAccel.EAStateDataData passed to an external accel function call. The state information for each of the two bodies and their effective masses are provided
 CGravityEngine2.EphemerisDataContatiner class to hold info on ephemeris data read from a file
 CGravityEngine2.EphemerisLoaderClass to load ephemeris data and place is GEBodyState array
 CGravityEngine2.EphemerisPropagatorCode used by GEPhysicsCore to evolve according to an ephemeris table. The data values have been repackaged by GECore and converted into GE units by the time this code acts on them
 CGravityEngine2.ExternalAccelThe integrators in the GEPhysicsCore can be configured to include additional forces (beyond gravity) to their force computations. Typical examples include a continuous thrust rocket, atmospheric drag or changes to the gravitation force itself (e.g. 1/R)
 CGravityEngine2.GBUnitsGravity engine uses NBody units (nbu) ( internally. This allows the numerical integration to work with values without worring about loss of precision due to odd choices of scale (e.g. galaxy simulation in cm)
 CGravityEngine2.GEPhysicsCore.GEBodiesCore state information for all bodies in GE (all types)
 CGravityEngine2.GEBodyStateStruct to hold the state information of a body being evolved in the GECore. Typically the information is in world units (unless the request to GEcore.StateById() specifically asked for GE internal units)
 CGravityEngine2.GECoreGravity Engine Core Central class for evolution using gravity and propagators
 CGravityEngine2.GEManeuverGEmaneuver is the CLASS that represents a maneuver while it is being created and planned. As a class it is easy to adjust member variables during creation. It5 also holds a reference to the body to be applied (and optionally center it is relative to) by id
 CGravityEngine2.GEManeuverStructStruct of types that are Burst/Job compatible to describe maneuvers for the IJob propagators
 CGravityEngine2.GEPhysicsCoreThis (plus the
 CGravityEngine2.GSExternalAccelerationDisplay class to allow a constant external acceleration to be added to an object that has a GRAVITY propagator
 CGravityEngine2.HohmannGeneralHohmann transfer or rendezvous between any two circular orbits. Handles diffences in radius, inclination and RAAN (Omega)
 CGravityEngine2.IGSParticlesInitInterface defining methods to be implemented to define particle positions and velocities for GravityParticles
 CGravityEngine2.KeplerPropagatorCode to propagate Kepler orbits (ellipse, parabola, hyperbola)
 CGravityEngine2.LambertUniversalCalculate the universal Lambert transfer. This algorithm allows the transfer to be elliptic or hyperbolic as necessary to meet the designated transfer time. The transfer code can be used to determine the minimum energy transfer between the desired points/orbits - in this case the time of transfer is not specified. Additional API calls can be used to request a specific transfer time. It is frquently useful to obtain the most efficient transfer time and then use this as a baseline from which to investigate the dV cost of faster transfers
 CGravityEngine2.LeastSquaresFitRoutines to do a linear least-squares fit
 CGravityEngine2.OrbitalOrbital utilities relating to classical orbital elements (COE) and converting between (r,v) <=> COE
 CGravityEngine2.GSParticles.ParticleDataParticle evolution
 CGravityEngine2.PKeplerPropagatorPropagation using the PKEPLER algorithm from Vallado
 CGravityEngine2.SecantRootFindSecant root find method
 CGravityEngine2.SGP4PropagatorCode to propagate SGP4 satellites i.e. satellites in Earth orbit with modeling for atmosphere, oblate gravity, moon, sun etc
 CGravityEngine2.Booster.StageUtility class to bundle together the attributes for a rocket stage. Some redundancy (payload and dry mass)
 CGravityEngine2.StructPool< T >Utility to manage a pool of structs in GECore
 CGravityEngine2.StructPool< GravityEngine2.EphemerisPropagator.PropInfo >
 CGravityEngine2.StructPool< GravityEngine2.ExternalAccel.EADesc >
 CGravityEngine2.StructPool< GravityEngine2.GEPhysicsCore.ColliderInfo >
 CGravityEngine2.StructPool< GravityEngine2.GEPhysicsCore.PatchInfo >
 CGravityEngine2.StructPool< GravityEngine2.KeplerPropagator.PropInfo >
 CGravityEngine2.StructPool< GravityEngine2.PKeplerPropagator.PropInfo >
 CGravityEngine2.StructPool< GravityEngine2.SGP4Propagator.PropInfo >
 CGravityEngine2.TransferShipClass to determine the maneuvers required to get a ship at an existing position in orbit around a center body to a specified orbit